发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间:2024-04-01 浏览次数:0 文章来源:
他们是Dear Cosular官
I am wriig o ivie [Full ame of he Applica] o visi he Uied Saes for busiess purposes. [he /She] willbe visiig he UiedSaes from [Sar Dae] o [Ed Dae] ad will be aedig [Eve ame ad Descripio]。
[Full ame of he Applica] is a [Job Tile] a [Compay ame],locaed a [Compay Address]. [he /She] has beeemployed wih our Compay sice [Sar Dae]. [He/She] is resposible for [JobResposibiliies]。
我是Durig [his/her] visi [Full ame of he Applica] will be meeig wih our eam a [Compay ame] o discusswill also beaedig [he /She] will also beaedig [Eve ame ad Descripio],which will ake place a [Eve Locaio] o [Eve Dae]。
We will be providig [Full ame of he Applica] wih accommodaio durig [his/her] sayi he Uied Saes. [he她是will be sayig . We will also be coverig [his/her] rasporaio expesesdurig [his/her] say。
Please fid aached a copy of [Full ame of he Applica]'s passpor ad oher releva documes. If yourequire ay furheriformaio, please do o hesiae o coac me
Thak you for cosiderig [Full ame of he Applica]'s applicaio for a busiess visa o he Uied Saes。
Your ame。
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签证在手 旅途无忧发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0
发布时间2024-04-01 浏览次数:0