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发布时间:2024-08-20 浏览次数:96 文章来源:

通知关于中国签证启用线上办理模式的通知 为更高效地服务广大申请人,中国驻瑞士使馆、驻苏黎世总领馆、伯尔尼中国签证申请服务中心、苏黎世中国签证申请服务中心将正式启用签证在线办理模式,现有申请表受理日期截止到2024年8月23日(星期五)13:


(一) 准备签证申请材料:申请材料包含基础材料及其他支持材料。(二) 在线填写签证申请表并提交支持材料:请登录签证申请服务中心网站www.visaforchina.cn,选择瑞士——伯尔尼或苏黎世,使用邮箱注册,在线填写签证申请表并提交相关签证支持材料,等待审核通过。所有申请人(不含中国香港、中国澳门签证申请人)均须通过该网站在线填写申请表并提交支持材料。(三) 来签证中心递交材料并交费:1、提交申请后,使馆、总领馆或签证中心将随时反馈您需要补充的材料,请在网站“申请进度查询”及时了解详情。当您发现状态为“待递交护照”时,请打印最后一页并签字。您可以在工作日9:00-13:00来签证中心递交签证申请材料:①护照原件;②《签证申请表》最后一页并签字;③照片1张(6个月内、免冠、白底彩色、小2寸48mm×33mm);④使馆、总领馆和签证中心要求携带的支持材料。2、请您递交材料时缴纳全部费用,其中包括签证费和签证服务费。签证申请中心接受刷卡、现金和银行转账。(四) 领取证件:请您带着递交材料时获得的取证单,在相应的取证时间来签证中心领取护照和签证。感谢您的支持与配合。驻瑞士使馆驻苏黎世总领馆伯尔尼中国签证申请中心苏黎世中国签证申请中心


Notice on theOnlineApplicationMode for ChineseVisas

In order to serve applicants more efficiently, the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland, the Chinese Consulate General in Zurich, the Chinese Visa Application Service Center in Bern, and the Chinese Visa Application Service Center in Zurich will officially start the online application mode for Chinese visas. The current application form acceptance date is until 13:00 on Friday August 23, 2024. From Monday August 26, 2024, the online visa application process is as follows:

(I) Prepare visa application materials:Application materials including basic materials and other supporting materials.(II) Fill in the visa application form and submit supporting documents online:Please log into the website of the Visa Application Service Center www.visaforchina.cn, select Switzerland, Bern or Zurich, register with your email address, fill in the visa application form and submit relevant supporting documents online, and wait for approval. All applicants (excluding visa for Hong Kong, China and Macau, China) must fill in the application form and submit relevant supporting documentsonline through this website.(III) Submit the materials and pay the fee at the visa center:1. After submitting the application, the Embassy, Consulate General or Visa Centers will provide feedback on the materials you need to supplement at any time. Please check the "Application Progress Inquiry" on the website for details. When you find the status is " Passport to be submitted", please print out the last page and sign. You can come to the visa centers from 9:00 to 13:00 on working days to submit visa application materials:① Original passport;② The last page of the "Visa Application Form" with signature;③ 1 color photo (within 6 months, bareheaded, white background, 48mm×33mm);④ Supporting materials required by the Embassy, Consulate General and Visa Centers.2. Please pay all fees when submitting the materials, including visa fees and visa service fees. The visa application center accepts bank cards, cash and bank transfers.(IV) Collect documents:Please come to the visa center with the pickup form obtained when submitting materials at the corresponding time to collect your passport and visa.Thank you for your support and cooperation.Chinese Embassy in Switzerland

Chinese Consulate General in Zurich

Chinese Visa Application Service Center in Bern

Chinese Visa Application Service Center in Zurich

August 20, 2024


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